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Reading Seminar Group: The Work of Anna Freud

NIPaS offers a regular guided reading group for Guest members, which meets on six Tuesday evenings and three Saturday mornings each term. The Tuesday seminars are led by experienced NIPaS analysts and the Saturday seminars are led by distinguished visiting analysts. Recent terms have been devoted to classic texts by Freud and Melanie Klein, and to the Controversial Discussions in the British Society in the early 1940s.

This term (Jan - April 2023) sees a focus on the work of Anna Freud. Future terms will be devoted to the work of specific authors, such as Winnicott, Balint, Fairbairn, the Sandlers, Andre Green; or to thematic topics such as transference/countertransference, the meaning of dreams, sexuality and gender.

For information on how to join as a Guest Member, please contact