Full members
NIPaS currently has 20 full Members. All full members alphabetically listed below have undergone rigorous psychoanalytic training before election to full membership of NIPaS. Should you wish to arrange a consultation, please contact nipassecretary@outlook.com who can advise you on which members may currently have a vacancy.
*Denotes medically qualified practitioner.
Dr David Bell*
Psychoanalyst & Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Hannah Browne* MBChB M.R.C.Psych, F.Inst. Psychoanal.
Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
President of NIPaS
Tel: 07958 970 760
Email: hannahbleavey@gmail.com
Dr Deyra Courtney*
Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Consultant Psychiatrist in Medical Psychotherapy and Adult Psychiatry
Tel: 07793210964
Email: courtneydeyra@gmail.com
Prof. Bernard Cullen Ph.D. F.Inst.Psychoanal.
Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Chair of NIPaS Training Committee
Tel: 07720 430577
Email: b.cullen@qub.ac.uk
Ms Jane Dick
Training & Supervising Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Ethics Lead for NIPaS
Tel: 07825 020526
Email: janey.dick@btinternet.com
Mr Christopher Fry BA(Hons), Dip SW, MSc, CGP
Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Group Psychotherapist
Tel: 07742918387
Email: christopherfrypsychotherapy@outlook.com
Dr Richard Ingram*
Psychoanalyst, Consultant Psychiatrist
Tel: 07980314271
Email: ingram22@icloud.com
Dr Craig Johnston
Psychoanalyst, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Honorary Secretary NIPaS
Email: dr.craig.johnston@gmail.com
Mrs Siobhan Mackle-Lynch
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Tel: 07742458591
Email: macklelynch@aol.com
Dr Liz McMonagle AFBPs
Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Consultant Clinical Lead Psychologist
ASD Diagnostician
Tel: 028 30849748/07977479914
Email: drlizmcmonagle1@gmail.com
Dr Iain McDougall*
Consultant Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Tel: 02895041420
Email: iain.mcdougall@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Dr Deirdre Meehan M.Inst. Psychoanal
Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
NIPaS Clinical Responsibility Coordinator
Tel: 07990663322
Email: deirdremeehan@live.co.uk
Dr Heather Mills*
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Consultant Psychiatrist
Retired member
Mrs Jean Murray
Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, Child and Adolescent Psychoanalyst
Tel: 07720 075 944
Email: jean-murray@ntlworld.com
Dr Maria O’ Kane*
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Consultant Psychiatrist
Tel:07738 478894
Email: maria.okane@me.com
Dr Mary Short MB, Bch BAO, FRCP. Psych, M.Prof. Ch.Psych,Psych, M.Inst. Psychoanal.
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
Tel: 0777 3719 111
Email: mary_short00@yahoo.co.uk
Dr Julie Sutton
Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, Music Psychotherapist
Member of NIPaS Executive Committee
Department of Psychotherapy
Email: jpspsychotherapy@gmail.com
Dr Kristine Tiltina
Psychoanalyst, Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Tel: 07714 950372
Email: k.tiltina@gmail.com
Dr Brent Thompson
Psychoanalyst, Specialist Clinical Psychologist
Email: drbrentthompson@yahoo.com
Dr Peter Torney BSc, D.Phil, M.Med.Sc (Psych)
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
Tel: 028 9077 3952
Email: p.torney@btinternet.com
As a member of the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC), all NIPaS members are required to undertake continuing professional development to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct. NIPaS members are also subject to the Code of Ethics and the Complaints procedure of the BPC.
Complaints and concerns
If you have a complaint or concern about a NIPaS member, we would suggest that you first seek to resolve this directly with the member in question. If this proves unsatisfactory or not possible, we would suggest that you then contact the President of NIPaS, Dr Hannah Browne (details above), who will help you consider how best to proceed. If this informal route does not resolve your concern, you may wish to contact the BPC directly. The procedure of making a formal complaint is explained on the BPC website and can be found if you follow this link.
Honorary Members
Honorary Membership of the Northern Ireland Psychoanalytic Society is offered by our Executive Committee to persons who have made a significant contribution to psychoanalytic work and understanding in their career to date.
Dr George Brownstone (Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, Vienna)
Mr Denis Flynn (British Psychoanalytical Society, London)
Mrs Anne Harrison (British Psychoanalytical Society, London)
Ms Angela Joyce (British Psychoanalytical Society, London)
Dr Brian O'Neill (British Psychoanalytical Society, Edinburgh)
Dr Luis Rodriguez de la Sierra (British Psychoanalytical Society, London)
Ms Geraldine Shipton (British Psychoanalytical Society, Sheffield)